Brain Rehabilitation Programme by Dr Sundardas D Annamalay

An Overall Assessment - Online or Offline Assessment

Testings – Nutritional Assessment, Organic Acid and Gene Tests

Our Assessment Methods

When cells become imbalanced, conditions are ripe for infection, illness or chronic disease to begin; when cells are rebalanced, conditions are primed for healing and a return to health. Before we begin to attempt corrective processes, it is important to understand the burden of toxicity. Many layers of toxins can build up before symptoms develop.

Since the initial levels at which the body responds tends to be energetic, many of the energetic screening mechanisms provide lots of early warning information. This means that the screening that we do identifies potential problems before they surface and become serious.

Since the initial levels at which the body responds tends to be energetic, many of the energetic screening mechanisms provide lots of early warning information. This means that the screening that we do identifies potential problems before they surface and become serious.

Methods of Evaluating Body Imbalance

Using a combination of assessment methods as well as a full range of standard laboratory tests we obtain a comprehensive profile of each person. It is important to understand the real meaning of symptoms and not to suppress them as this may lead to a worsening of the illness.

Detox Programme and Nutritional Assessment

Based on the test results we design a combination of programmes that will correct nutritional deficiencies and help the body eliminate heavy metals and organic poisons. This can be done using specific nutritional interventions as well as specific technologies that accelerate detoxification.

Brain Modulation

We use special laser technology and neurofeedback methods to modulate brain function and accelerate recovery.

Postural Neurology Programme

We do functional neurological assessment to determine which area of the brain would benefit most from stimulation and brain training. We then design specific protocols to facilitate this process. This can include specific exercises and specific therapies and manual interventions.

Call Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic at 6323 6652 (Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00am to 7:00pm) for an appointment or email us,