RN WELLNESS PTE. LTD. is a Exempt Private Company, Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 202104827R. It was incorporated on 6 February 2021 in Singapore. The address of the Company`s registered office is at 20 Sin Ming Lane, #06-55 Midview, Singapore 573968. Also known as ReNewlifes (RN), the Company`s principal activity is development of software and programming activities with real estate developers as the secondary activity.
RN provides digitalised and IOT solutions for the ageing population and the next generation in the form of a platform for brain enhancement and streamlined and secure blockchain protocol for smart wellness cities in both the public and private sectors. RN will be able to interface with other forms of technologies to create and support the solutions for the smart cities of the future so that they are more livable, workable, sustainable and life enhancing for the ageing population and for the next generation.
RN is committed to provide a one-stop shop for turning integrated smart wellness city concepts into smart wellness city solutions.