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There are different stages and individual goes through as they progress into dementia. One of the most common types of dementia is the progressive type which is termed as Alzheimer disease or senile dementia. The word senile means that it is old and a person with senile dementia could be any age from infancy up to age 80. Another common type of dementia is the frontotemporal degeneration. This type of dementia is actually the degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes. There could be any age from infancy up to age 40. The final type of dementia is multi-infarct dementia which is a dementia that could be due to multiple strokes or damage to a vital part of the brain such as the brain's pons or the eye socket. This could happen at any age from infancy up to age 35. Dementia is known to have a bad prognosis, especially with a very early diagnosis and treatment you could possibly avoid a situation where a person is forced to live with a dementia that causes them to have a very poor quality of life. This prognosis is especially important when a person has the early stage dementia symptoms. Dementia is an increasing problem. It is often accompanied by strokes. The most common symptoms include depression, forgetfulness, memory loss, agitation and unsteadiness. You might also feel your feeling, balance, or walk. You might also have confusion, disorientation, speech problems, impulsive behavior, forgetfulness and difficulty in doing familiar things like opening a door or a window. These are a few of the symptoms of dementia. Dementia is an increasing problem and there is no known cure. Treatment is aimed at preventing the progression of the dementia and reducing the severity of the symptoms. There is no known cause of dementia. The most common causes are: Genetic problems Head injuries Chemicals Certain diseases or infections Environmental or lifestyle factors Call Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic at 6323 6652 (Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00am to 7:00pm) for an appointment or email: admin@naturaltherapies.com, visit www.sundardasnaturopathy.com ?